Assessment of Japan’s geopolitical status: from theory to practice

  • Volynchuk A.B.

    Volynchuk A.B - Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS Vladivostok. Russia

  • Волынчук Яна Александровна

    Volynchuk Ya.A. - Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


The article considers the problem of expediency and necessity of using in the studies of geopolitical themes the category the geopolitical status of the country or its separate territory / region. According to the authors, «geopolitical status» is one of the main parameters of the state, which has a decisive influence on the level of development of the geopolitical potential, the degree of development of the territory, the process of forming a
system of geopolitical interests, which ultimately determines the competitiveness of the state in world politics and economy. interaction with other actors of international relations.
The establishment of an actual geopolitical status of a country in the world or in a separate region, as well as a correct assessment of the status of geopolitical competitors, is a key stage in the choice of an effective foreign policy strategy. As objects of the assessment of a strategy, not intentions, but real actions to manage geopolitical status. In this regard, the geopolitical status of the country seems to be a dynamic category,
which depends on the political, economic and cultural conditions of a particular historical period. Therefore, the foreign policy of the state should be aimed at enhancing the geopolitical status as the main instrument of the struggle for power and influence in the international arena. The article is a logical continuation of the previously published article Volynchuk AB, Volynchuk Ya.A. «The geopolitical status of the state: the theoretical basis of the scientifc category» (The Territory of New Opportunities, Vestnik VGUES, 2018. Vol. 10, No. 1, P. 57-67) and reveals the practical application of the author’s methodology for assessing the category «geopolitical status» in Japan. We offer to evaluate the main indicators that determine the size of the country’s status.

Keywords: cybersecurity, ASEAN, Singapore, critical information infrastructure, international mechanism.